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You can use Behance, WIX, or word press. The introduction or title must have your name and class you are blogging for.
~You SHOULD post weekly. For each post make sure to have a date, label all photos, and add a note about which assignment you are responding to. Further, you will need to add your compositional thumbnails sketches as well. Lastly, title all finished work and add your final reflection. Photos of your reference images should be included.
~Ideally you should have a Master and current artist for each of your finished pieces. This means you should start with your subject and do the research to become inspired by either the different styles or compositions. For instance, if you fall in love with Grant Pecoff's works from Hawaii, then you look to find a master artist (someone who is represented in a Museum) to study their work as well. You will add links to the artist's works and notes as to why you choose them. This does not mean you are copying anyones work. The opposite the research should be part of your planning process. Gathering ideas and techniques from artists before you start. Then work up your 3 to 4 compositional thumbnail sketches. Once you are satisfied then do you sloppy copy sketch. Remember to continually look back at your master and current artist to help you figure out shading or light source, etc.
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